30% 40% 30%


All work will be completed in a professional manner according to standard practices. We reserve the right to use subcontractors and employees. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above this estimate. All agreement contingent upon strikes, accident, or delays beyond our control.

Due upon acceptance of proposal. This first payment shall be sent by mail to us with this signed proposal.
Due on the first day of work. The Owner will be advised of this day in advance.
Due at the midpoint of work. The Owner will be advised of this day in advance.
Due on the last day of work. Owner/ Contractor will be advised of this day in advanced.

The prices, specifications and conditions are hereby accepted. You authorized work as specified on the past estimate for:

Payment will be made as outlined above. Please sign & date below and submit in order to schedule the work. Thank you for giving us the opportunity.
Gabriel Iwano

MM slash DD slash YYYY

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